Boresight Reimagined

Selso Tello, the owner and founder of T-Zoom Research, has conducted research and development on rifle marksmanship since 2010 and was awarded six patents regarding the concept of smartphone rifle calibration. He created the mobile app Zero Verify, formerly Record Fire, to do just that.

The problem

All firearms with scopes require calibration to ensure the firearm and scope are aimed at the same point. This process is called boresighting. Current methods of boresighting do not collect data or record calibration settings so a user can recall zero at a different point in time. Traditional boresighters may simply get your first round on paper — a far cry from accuracy. Additionally, many boresighters may be misaligned left, right, up, or down. This limitation can be time-consuming to correct. A more precise digital method is needed.

The solution

Create profiles of your favorite gun-to-scope combos. The Zero Verify app and sensor components will allow users to perform boresighting and store critical calibration settings after initially zeroing a firearm at a range. Users may then verify zero on-the-go when conditions have changed without firing a live round. Ballistic inputs and external conditions such as temperature, elevation, and wind affect the round’s trajectory to the target. Variable conditions can be added or taken out to compute a zero. Zero-Verify will use the center of the bore and scope to determine points of deviation. This will be a more precise alternative to manual collimators and laser boresighters currently on the market. Zero Verify offers a trigonometric approach to boresighting effectively aligning the coordinate systems of the both scope and barrel.

Research and Development

The following depictions of the app and sensors represent both functionality and marketing approach and do not constitute a final product. We are looking for assistance with sensor development, simulation tests, and application development.

Create custom gun-to-scope profiles and verify calibration anywhere.

Patent # 9,335,125 Universal Firearm Marksmanship System
Patent # 10,145,653 Universal Firearm Marksmanship System
Patent # 10,739,109 Firearm Marksmanship System with Chamber Insert
Patent # 10,900,749 Universal Firearm Marksmanship System
Patent # 11002512 Firearm Marksmanship System with Chamber Insert

Are you interested in licensing?
Contact Pacific World Marketing.
(925) 634-1140
[email protected]